
產品中心您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 產品展示 > > 配件耗材 > 美國AII氧氣傳感器GPR-11-32




% Oxygen SensorGPR-11-32This sensor is available with following connectionsGPR-11-32RT: Phone JackGPR-11-32-4: 4-Pin connectionGPR-11-60-4: 4-Pin connection with 60 months life in airGPR-11-32 % oxyge




% Oxygen Sensor


This sensor is available with following connections
GPR-11-32RT: Phone Jack
GPR-11-32-4: 4-Pin connection
GPR-11-60-4: 4-Pin connection with 60 months life in air

GPR-11-32 % oxygen sensor is a galvanic type oxygen sensor and offers excellent stability and accuracy under stringent applications. All sensors are subjected to the most extensive stability test, output in air, 30" of water column pressure test and stability at * oxygen. The widest range of oxygen sensors offered by Analytical Industries, Inc. are "Made in USA"

This sensor is specifically designed for percent oxygen analyzers offered by Advanced Instruments Inc.


Measuring Range0-*
Accuracy 1+/-2% of Full Scale
Signal Output 235-55uA
Linearity+/-2% of Full Scale
Response T907 sec
Operating Temp0 to 45°C
Recommended Storage 30 to 25°C
Temperature CoefficientNon Compensated
Shelf Life 46 months
Humidity Non-condensing0-99% RH
Expected Life 232 months
Warranty 512 months
Electrical Conn2 Ring PCB



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